

slides | markdown | HTML

| 0-Introduction | 1-Hello World! | 2-Architecture | 3-DOM | 4-Explosion | 5-Examples

  1. Download and add project assets
  2. Add a browser action and icons
  3. Test the explosion script

👉 Get project assets

1. Download the `assets.zip` file you'll need to continue the tutorial. 1. Unzip the folder and place it in your `explode-tutorial` project folder. 1. Your structure should look like this >
``` /explode-tutorial/ assets/ css/ img/ libs/ js/ pages/ sounds/ background.js content.js manifest.json ```

Browser action

- An action adds an extension icon and popup window to the browser toolbar. - The action is sometimes called "browser action", or "popup script". - The action popup is an HTML page you define and has its own context (and its own DevTools console!).

👉 Add an action

1. Add a new file to the project folder called `action.html` 1. Paste in this code.
```html <!DOCTYPE html>

💥 Explode Tracked Pages!

Press e + ~ to test


👉 Add the action and icons to the manifest

The icon identifies the browser extension in the `chrome://extensions` page. 1. Add this code to your manifest to add the icon and action. 1. Refresh the extension.
```json "icons": { "16": "assets/img/explosion-icon16.png", "32": "assets/img/explosion-icon32.png", "64": "assets/img/explosion-icon64.png", "128": "assets/img/explosion-icon128.png" }, "action": { "default_icon": { "16": "assets/img/explosion-icon16.png", "32": "assets/img/explosion-icon32.png" }, "default_title": "Explode Tracked Web Pages!", "default_popup": "action.html" }, ```

👉 Add libraries to manifest

Let's go ahead and reference the libraries we need in our manifest. 1. Edit the `content_script` section, and add `web_accessible_resources` to the end. See documentation for details. 1. If you prefer to copy and paste you can get the full `manifest.json` on Github.
```json "content_scripts": [{ "matches": [""], "js": [ "assets/libs/anime.min-3.2.0.js", "assets/libs/jquery-3.6.0.min.js", "assets/libs/purify-2.3.4.js", "assets/js/disconnect-tracking-services.js", "assets/js/functions.js", "assets/js/keys.js", "assets/js/explode.js", "content.js" ], "css": [ "assets/css/styles.css" ], "run_at": "document_end", "all_frames": true }], "web_accessible_resources": [{ "resources": ["*.svg", "*.mp3"], "matches": [""], "use_dynamic_url": true }] ``` </div> </div> --- ## 👉 Test the explosion - Refresh your extension and click the action icon to see the popup (you may need to click the puzzle piece see or pin it). - If everything worked you'll see a line that says `Press e + ~ to test`. - Before you test, know that you can reset the page by clicking reload. --- ## Explode the Web! I don't know about you but I enjoy this small function immensely. --- ## Explode the Web! The code that makes this work is just Javascript. I'll say two things about it: - The animation is made possible thanks to Anime.js library. I highly recommend exploring the examples in the documentation. - I wrote the code that explodes the page. It is open source, and is fairly simple: grabbing all the html elements on a page, and transforming their position, rotation, and scale using random numbers. --- ## 👉 The document object model With our extension assets ready we can start to build the tracker-tracking function! 1. Add this code to `content.js` 1. Save the file and refresh the extension 1. Open the test page in Chrome [`assets/pages/test.html`](`../../extension/extension-tutorial-final/pages/test.html`) and open the console. ```js $(document).ready(() => { console.log(`💥 The page title is ${document.title}`); }); ``` --- ## The document object model
- The code you added will let you see the title of any page in the console. - This is possible because browsers load the text of web pages as nested elements, or "nodes". - This "document object model" or DOM allows us to get (or set!) the attributes of any element via its path in the hierarchy.
--- ## 👉 Change the DOM in the console
The console is interactive, so you can even test this on a live page. 1. Paste this into the console 1. Press return 1. Try other color names
```js document.body.style.backgroundColor = "red"; ```
--- ## 👉 Get script elements using the DOM 1. Add this code to `content.js` just under the `console.log` function and before the closing `});` to store a reference to all the script elements on each page. 1. Refresh the extension, reload the test page, and you should see all script elements appear in the console as an `HTMLCollection`. ```js var scriptsFoundArr = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); console.log(scriptsFoundArr); ``` --- ## Part 3 conclusion - We made a lot of progress in this section, adding assets with icons and a test page, hooking up the explode test function, and using the DOM to get scripts. - In the next section we'll look at these elements and check if they are connecting to tracker domains. - 👉 Start the next section [Create the Explosion](4-explosion.html)